- Title: Coastline
- Location: Tilko
- Caption: Strandhof Tilko Estland
- Date: circa 1920
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: delcampe

- Title: Copperplate print
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: Olearius. Revalia, anno Domini 1648
- Date: circa 1910
- Publisher: Verlag von Ferd. Wassermann, Reval.
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution: Druck von Louis Koch, Halberstadt
- Source: eBay

- Title: Estonian man
- Location:
- Caption: Eesti tüpused. Estonskye tipy - Estnische Typen
- Date: circa 1910
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 1597
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay

- Title: Great Coastal Gate
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: Tallinn. Rannas Värav. - Reval. Gr. Strandpforte.
- Date: circa 1940
- Publisher: J.P.P.T.
- Publisher Number: 80
- Attribution: Porikos
- Source: eBay

- Title: Martin Luther monument
- Location: Keila
- Caption: Le Monument de Martin Luther à Kegel. Estonie.
- Date: circa 1905
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: wm

- Title: Parade at Dlinnaya Street
- Location: Tapa
- Caption: St. Tapc, Dlinnaya uliza
- Date: circa 1920
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay

- Title: Parade at Dlinnaya Street
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: X. Üldlaulupidu Tallinnas, 23-25/ VI -33
- Date: 1933
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: delcampe

- Title: Roofs of the city
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption:
- Date: 1930
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: delcampe

- Title: Russalka monument and seafront
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: Reval. Russalka-Denkmal and Strandpromenade.
- Date: circa 1905
- Publisher: Verlag R. von der Ley, Reval
- Publisher Number: 61S
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay

- Title: View of castle, churches, and city
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: Reval. Schmiedepforteanlagen
- Date: circa 1910
- Publisher: E.G.S.I.S.
- Publisher Number: 4
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay

- Title: View of the city
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: A view from the tower of the Town Hall
- Date: circa 1930
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 25
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay

- Title: View of the railway station
- Location: Tallinn
- Caption: Reval - Bahnhof
- Date: circa 1910
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Attribution:
- Source: eBay
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